I bought this book with mixed feelings. For me it is evident that financial help to developing countries are a mixed blessing, at least.1 On the other hand I know how easy it is to shift polemics from one side to the other. Like ex-smokers who often fail to yield to reason.
Perkins is solemn; that is a style that is …
Read More- Well, it is done. I'm through with it. I have to admit is was somewhat of a struggle, but I do not regret anything. Like mentioned in a former post, the book really has its lengths. The book keeps its promise, it gives a historical digest of debt, and the concepts around. It covers philosophical, moral and financial …
Read More A week ago I started reading this book; I am interested in the topic, since it is one of the topics that are central to the current crises, especially of European states. In my opinion a psychological and even philosophical issue, and David Graeber's book should give me some insights to this.
Well, today I conquered …
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